Financial Assistance is available at Holy Sepulcher Catholic School to those students who are unable to pay the full amount of tuition. Each year approximately 60 students receive some sort of tuition assistance.
Aid applications will be processed by FACTS Management. Families applying for tuition aid may do so by using this ONLINE LINK. Please note the deadline.
For 2025, families are asked to log on and apply by March 15, 2025. If you have questions or concerns about the application process, you may speak with a FACTS Customer Care Representative at 1-866-441-4637.
Students are evaluated for grant program whose criteria they meet. A Pastor Signature Sheet must be submitted by Catholic families to be considered for grants from the Bishop's Education Fund. All information submitted on your application or in support of it will be treated in the utmost confidence.
(for students from the Pittsburgh Diocese) — tuition assistance for Catholic students is based on financial need.
This grant program, with funds first disbursed in the 1995-96 school year, is for Catholic students in grades K-12 attending eligible schools and registered in eligible parishes. Catholic families applying for this fund must have a pastor signature or as directed on the website using a supplemental form. As noted, parents using a paper application may ask their pastor to sign a partially completed form that does not contain their financial information. A pastor’s signature only confirms that the family is Catholic based on the following canonical criteria: a) the child is baptized; b) the family is registered in the parish; and c) the family attends Mass regularly and uses parish envelopes. Signing the form does not commit a parish to any financial obligation for aid. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of an anonymous donor, Holy Sepulcher Catholic School will benefit from this scholarship opportunity. This program is put in place to help make the cost of tuition more affordable for all families. Families wishing to apply should first complete the FACT tuition aid form by using this ONLINE LINK and then contact the bussiness manager at [email protected] at 724-586-5022 ext. 3307.
funded from donations from businesses participating in the PA tax credit program and open to any student, Catholic or non-Catholic, in grades PK to 8. There are specific income guidelines. Families applying for this aid must also use the PSAS form (see above).
This program, established by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with funds first disbursed in the 2002-03 school year, is open to any student, Catholic or non-Catholic, in grades PK to 12 residing in Pennsylvania and attending any eligible Catholic school in the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
This program of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, began in the 2013-14 school year. Only families with students residing within the attendance boundaries of low-achieving schools, as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, are eligible. Instructions are contained in the application and grants will depend upon the amount of donations received. If you need a copy of this application, it is also available through the school office. The deadline is June each year, however, it is best to apply as early as possible.
need-based financial assistance awarded by Holy Sepulcher School as funds are available. You must apply for financial aid through FACTS, before being considered for the Holy Sepulcher School Aid.
If you have any questions or need more information about tuition assistance, please talk with the principal at 724-586-5022 ext. 3202, [email protected] or contact Sheila Coulson at 724-586-5022 ext. 3307, [email protected]